JUMP TOHubflo APIThe Hubflo APIAuthenticationGetting startedRoutesRequestsResponsesRate limitingPaginationResponse codesErrorsResourcesmessageCreates a messagepostchat_roomRetrieves the chat roomsgetcompanyRetrieves the companiesgetCreates a companypostRetrieves a companygetUpdates a companypatchcontactRetrieves the workspaces of the given contactgetRetrieves a workspace of the given contactgetRetrieves the contactsgetCreates a contactpostRetrieves a contactgetUpdates a contactpatchnoteRetrieves the notesgetCreates a notepostRetrieves a notegetcustom_field_valueRetrieves the custom field valuesgetcustom_fieldRetrieves the custom fieldsgetRetrieves a custom fieldgetinvoiceCreates a payment noticepostCreates a payment URLpostRetrieves the line_items of the given invoicegetRetrieves the invoicesgetRetrieves an invoicegetUpdates an invoicepatchmemberRetrieves the membersgetpingCreates a pingpostproject_sectionRetrieves the project section templatesgetRetrieves a project section templategetproject_typeRetrieves the project stagesgetRetrieves the project typesgetprojectRetrieves the contacts of a projectgetCreates a sectionpostRetrieves the projectsgetCreates a projectpostRetrieves a projectgetUpdates a projectpatchproposalRetrieves a list of contacts for a proposalgetRetrieves the metadata of a proposalgetRetrieves the proposalsgetRetrieves a proposalgetseal_templateRetrieves a list of submissions for a seal templategetRetrieves the seal templatesgettemplateRetrieves a seal templategettaskRetrieves the assigned contacts of a taskgetRetrieves the assigned users of a taskgetRetrieves the tasksgetCreates a taskpostRetrieves a taskgetUpdates a taskpatchworkspaceRetrieve the contacts for a workspacegetRetrieve a contact for a workspacegetRetrieve the files for a workspacegetCreate a file for a workspacepostRetrieve a file for a workspacegetRetrieve the folders for a workspacegetCreate a folder for a workspacepostRetrieve a folder for a workspacegetRetrieve the invites for a workspacegetCreate an invite for a workspacepostDelete an invite for a workspacedeleteRetrieve the links for a workspacegetCreate a link for a workspacepostRetrieve a link for a workspacegetRetrieve the notes for a workspacegetCreate a note for a workspacepostRetrieve a note for a workspacegetRetrieve the tasks for a workspacegetCreates a task in a workspacepostRetrieve a task for a workspacegetUpdates a task of a workspacepatchRetrieves the workspace templatesgetRetrieves the workspacesgetCreates a workspacepostRetrieves a workspacegetUpdates a workspacepatchPowered by Retrieves the assigned contacts of a taskget https://app.hubflo.com/api/v2/tasks/{task_id}/contactsReturns the assigned contacts of a task